Love to Teach? Teach in China!
What is China Really like?
You've probably heard about the benefits of teaching in China. Everything is suddenly very affordable, and life is good.
You easily make friends with your new teaching colleagues in an atmosphere,
where your students are excited about learning.
Imagine how you will be able to fly to Thailand for vacation, perhaps during the spring festival.
Excellent free health care and having a fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment along with salary,
makes this your dream job.
If you are sick of the charter or public school's useless paperwork, and disregard for teacher's input then you should consider China.
Especially, if you don't like being stuck in a spiraling downhill charter school.
China offers you the freedom to be creative and to engage with your students in a meaningful way.
To Learn More
Our highly qualified staff work together with both public and private schools in China, to provide the best teaching opportunities possible. We are still small and growing. When you call us, expect to hear from a real person. If you have questions, please Call 508-717-4110 or you may use our online contact form.